当前位置 8090 连续剧 美剧 反击第五季 反击第五季第10集高清在线观看



6080  Section 20 are called into Bangkok, Thailand to rescue Chloe Foster, the daughter to British ambassador and longtim friend of Phillip Locke (Green), Robin Foster (Tim McInnerny). The team find the compound where she is being held, but during the raid the kidnappers escape with Chloe. After identifying the lead kidnapper as Ray McQueen (Max Beesley), Michael Stonebridge (Winchester), Damien Scott (Stapleton) and Julia Richmond (Lukes) track him to a nightclub and plant a tracker on him. However, McQueen soon realises he is being tailed and tries to escape with Chloe again, while also contacting Foster to deliver an armed bomb to the embassy where he is negoatiating with the North Koreans. With less than fifteen minutes, Scott and Stonebridge have to find McQueen and contend with a local gang. They ultimately rescue Chloe and apprehend McQueen, but Locke fails to stop Foster before the bomb detonated, killing Foster and a North Korean general


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